Increasing Your Shop’s Visibility

Trying to get people into your shop can be a daunting task! When you’re just starting out on Kidizen, there’s so much to learn and even more to explore (and buy)! Every shop owner awaits that first sale with bated breath.

Getting your shop noticed and increasing its visibility is key to making those sales. Here are some tried-and-true tips for increasing traffic to your shop and getting your shop noticed by buyers AND other sellers!

This keeps keeps your items on top of the “shop” page on Kidizen. By adding new items frequently, you keep your shop in the forefront of followers’ feeds AND their minds! The more items you have, the better! Listing a few items each day is better for visibility than listing all of them in one day. If you have 20 items to list, list 4 per day for 5 days instead of one mass uploading.

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: List a few things each day. Everyday, plan on listing at least one new item. If you can’t do that, try every few days.

When you set or change a shop discount, your followers are alerted to that and are more likely to come over and shop or buy something they previously carted. If you see an item has been carted and it’s been sitting in your shop for some time, another tactic is to reduce the price. Price reductions are a great way to get people into your shop. They may come by for one item and then find others because of that one reduction!

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: I always have a sale going in my shop. It’s usually 10% off 1 or more items. I switch it every other day or so, sometimes everyday if I see a day or two without any sales whatsoever. I price my items with this in mind, so I price things a little higher to account for that sale I always have going.

Participate in bump groups. “Bumping” an item is simply commenting on that item so that it moves to the top of that shop’s feed (and hopefully into the main “shop” feed on Kidizen). When you participate in bump groups, several people are bumping a set number of items all at once so the likelihood that your item(s) are seen increases exponentially! Bump groups are a great way to get your shop name out there as well as a way to get your items bumped to the top of the “shop” page.

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: Join bump groups as often as you can allocate time for bumping. There are lots of bump groups that are open, meaning anyone can join, and they can be weekly (you join and bump all the listings once per day for a whole week) or daily (just once for that day/night). Join as many or as few as you have time for!

When you make a collection and add items from various shops, the shops you chose items from see you added that item to your collection. In turn, they’ll likely come visit! Make a collection that’s unique so it catches people’s attention. I have a collection called “Wes Anderson Presents” that is all fashion similar to that you’d find in Wes Anderson movies like The Royal Tenenbaums. Collections allow passive interaction with lots of other shops which can increase both traffic and sales.

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: I make collections when 1) the season is about to change;  2) something culturally/socially relevant is occurring, or 3) if I’m adding items that would make a great collection with others like them! Collections can be made as often as you like, and are a great way to move traffic your way when you’re listing several of one brand or item or when the weather is about to change.

Follow shops that have a similar taste and aesthetic to yours. Following a shop usually gets you a follow in return, and if you follow shops that have similar taste then THEIR followers might follow you too! Following shops is a great way to gain new followers and more traffic.

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: Follow other shops when you happen upon shops with a similar aesthetic. Or when someone follows you!

Share your Kidizen link on your other social media accounts like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Kidizen offers a referral code, so invite your friends on Instagram and they get a discount plus you get 20% of whatever they sell or buy in their first 30 days!

Kidizen has “hash flash” parties on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. They’ll feature listings that are tagged according to whatever the hash flash is focusing on that night. For example, if the hashflash is for items from the brand #miniboden, you’d tag all your Mini Boden items with that hashtag. It’s a great opportunity to have Kidizen itself feature a listing of yours and that’s always a great way to drive traffic to your shop!

Kidizen recently launched Groups which can be found on the Feature page of the app. Interacting in the Seller Corner group is an awesome way to advertise your shop and meet other sellers. Making friends with your fellow sellers is an awesome way to get your listings bumped/shared/in collections.

HERE’S HOW I DO IT: I interact in the seller group everyday. I love helping new sellers and I love reading the tips and advice from other sellers. The more you interact, the better!

Share your referral link once every other week on your social media channels or as you gain new followers. You don’t want to inundate your current followers and you also don’t want to sour them on Kidizen before they’ve even seen how fantastic it is!

Finally, be consistent! The key to success on Kidizen is consistency in everything you do. Listing, pictures, background, interacting, sharing, etc. Kidizen is very much a hands-on app, it’s not a “set it and forget it” resale app! As someone who partially supports her family via Kidizen, I’m on the app all day, everyday. By remaining active and continually checking in, you’ll easily be able to tell when a tweak is necessary. For shops just starting out, using these tips in your inaugural month should get you lots of followers and hopefully, some sales as well!


Tricia Miller a.k.a. 3 Dudes + A Lady Baby, is a SAHM to 4, married to her soulmate and best friend for over 11 years. She is a CBWS-certified babywearing consultant, a lover of essential oils, thrifting, and Instabrand/small shops.