Friendships can be a funny thing. Some of us guard them fiercely, only letting a few very special people in. Others go out of their way to befriend anyone and everyone. On our phones, the latter is especially true when it comes to connecting with others. We “friend” them on Facebook. We follow them in apps like Instagram and Twitter.
We also follow them on Kidizen, don’t we? For me, following a shop has always been an acknowledgment that we connected in some way. Maybe we both like to comment on each other’s Gallery posts. Maybe their shop was featured in the Home feed and I thought they looked nice. Or I saw one of their Collections and liked their style. I also follow shops that consistently have clothes in my kids’ sizes and favorite brands.
Of course, the issue with having only one designation for each of these reasons, is that they all kinda, well, blur together. I get shop alerts from everyone and — while we’re working as a company to streamline that process — it’s still hard to stay up-to-date on the people I care about most. That’s why we’ve developed Favorite Shops.
It’s a way for everyone to organize who they’re following (and why) all by themselves. There’s something empowering about that, no? For shoppers, that means seeing listings from Favorite Shops in my Home feed and a special daily alert when they add new items.
For sellers (since everyone will only be able to Favorite shops with active listings) it means the changes I make to my shop will be more meaningful — and hopefully make more of an impact because the people receiving them will truly want to know what I’m offering.
Curious? Update your app and seek out a few of the shops you frequent day-in and day-out. Add them to your Favorites and see what happens! We’re excited to hear how you’re liking it, what we could do to make it better and, as always, watch how the Kidizen community grows stronger as a result.
Need more of the nitty gritty? Visit our FAQs.
Happy Faving!
— Kate